Thursday, October 23, 2008

October 27-31-Spakausky's Scoop

Some Fun Halloween Things are "Spooking Up!"

Our class in MUSIC CLASS, waiting to play instruments!

Dear Parents-

Field Trip Alert-Friday, 10/31 is our trip to Robert Crown. We will leave about 9:15 and be back by lunch.

Have your child bring their costumes to school in a bag. They will be able to change after lunch for our parade and party.

WOW-Thanks for the very generous book donation this year, from the District Book Fair! I was able to get $85 worth of books for our class to read. Some of the great books were Marley, Skippyjon Jones, Looking for Miza, Titanicat, The City of Ember, Vet Volunteers, A Day on the Prairie, N is for Our Nation's Capital, A Washington D.C. Alphabet, Can You See What I See on A Scary Night puzzle book.
Your generosity is greatly appreciated! Thanks! Thanks,
Mrs. Spakausky

Language Arts Block-
We are using these this week, so please send in a 1 GB portable storage companion, if you haven't already!

Lunch Program-
Starting 10/23 will be the Nutri Kids (ticketless lunch system)
Please purchase lunch credit on a weekly basis on Monday's as we did in the past.

Website of the week:
Internet Safety Games:
Netty’s World

Book Orders:
Thanks for your orders. They should be in next week!
To order on line, go to the Web address below and enter our class’s personalized user name and password.
Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

Goody Basket-
The Goody Basket is used as a reward system. If the student receives 5 tickets, they get to pick out of the special basket at the end of the day!
Donations for toys, pencils, and other items of interest are always appreciated.
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week

Each week there will be a student picked to be student of the week. This student will bring in photos, magazine picture, or drawings/descriptions about themselves. The categories that they will cover are:
My Family
Special Friends
My Favorite Foods
Where I Live
Thing I Like to Do
When I Grow Up I’d like to
My Favorite Toys
How the special week works for your child:
Monday-put pictures up
Tuesday-share your board
Wed.-Read a favorite book (practice at home first)
Thursday-Show and Tell
Friday-Take board down

We will do a Halloween list for next week. Please do the attached papers and return by Friday, 10/31.
All spelling should be done in cursive. This is where the students will have time to actually practice the skills they learn in “handwriting.”

Chapter 2-Nouns
We will study:
What are Nouns?
Common and Proper Nouns
Nouns in a Subject
Singular and Plural Nouns
Special Plural Nouns
Singular Possessive Nouns
Plural Possessive Nouns
TEST will be on Wednesday, October 29th.

We will type our descriptive Halloween stories, Friday, 10/24.

The third grade teachers have covered the strategy of :
-preview and predict
*fact /opinion
We will take the Seal Surfer vocabulary and comprehension quiz after we compare and contrast Ben to the young seal.

Independent Reading Program
Folders are due Mon., Nov. 3rd!
Reading party in class-Wed., November 5th!

Chapter 2 – Ways to Stay Healthy
We have studied about:
Lesson 1-

We are now on to Lesson 2-

Next, Lesson 3-”How Some Substances Effect the Body”
-illegal drugs
-prescription drugs
-over-the-counter drugs

The science test will most likely be Wednesday, November 5th!

Social Studies-Downers Grove
Test 2 is on Friday, October 24th!

Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4 has begun. This is called, “Subtraction.” We have studied:
-fact families

Have a Great weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky