Thursday, October 30, 2008

November 3-7-The Spakausky Scoop

Dear Parents-

No School-Tuesday, Nov. 4th-Teacher's Institute Day

Picture retakes were moved to Nov. 6th

Have your child bring their costumes to school in a bag. They will be able to change after lunch for our parade and party.
Thank you to ALL the parents who are helping at the party or who are sending items in for the party! I know we will have a BLAST tomorrow!

SNACK-Be sure your child only has ONE snack and ONE drink at snack time. Fruits/Veggies are first choice items. Dairy and Grains would be a nice back-up. Try not to send in too much processed items or items with more than 6 ingredients listed on the back of the package.

Thanks for monitoring this!

Website of the week:
About Puffins

Book Orders:
November orders will come home soon!
Send in your orders OR go to the Web address below and enter our class’s personalized user name and password.
Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

Goody Basket-
The Goody Basket is used as a reward system. If the student receives 5 tickets, they get to pick out of the special basket at the end of the day!
Donations for toys, pencils, and other items of interest are always appreciated.
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week
Each week there will be a student picked to be student of the week. This student will bring in photos, magazine picture, or drawings/descriptions about themselves. The categories that they will cover are:
My Family
Special Friends
My Favorite Foods
Where I Live
Thing I Like to Do
When I Grow Up I’d like to
My Favorite Toys
How the special week works for your child:
Monday-put pictures up
Tuesday-share your board
Wed.-Read a favorite book (practice at home first)
Thursday-Show and Tell
Friday-Take board down

Lesson 10 is next.

All spelling should be done in cursive. This is where the students will have time to actually practice the skills they learn in “handwriting.”

We took the NOUNS test today. Next we will start Chapter 3-VERBS


We will work on a 3 paragraph paper. We will be interviewing a classmate and writing a paper about them.

The third grade teachers have covered the strategy of :
-preview and predict
*fact /opinion
We will discuss cause and effect in the story, Cliff Hanger.
Are you a mountain climber or do you know someone who could come in and show us all of the equipment and items that are used for mountain climbing? Let me know and we will invite them to talk to our class next week. It would be cool to see these items in person.

Independent Reading Program
Folders are due Mon., Nov. 3rd!
Reading party in class-Wed., November 5th!

Chapter 2 – Ways to Stay Healthy
The food chart is due Wed., 10/15!
We have studied about:
How do these things help you stay healthy?
We are now on to Lesson 2-This will talk about:
Next, Lesson 3-”How Some Substances Effect the Body”
-illegal drugs
-prescription drugs
-over-the-counter drugs
Study guides are due on Monday, 11/3.
The science test will be Wednesday, November 5th!

Social Studies-Local Government
We have started Chapter 12 on Local Government.
We have studied about:
-Lesson 1-Community Services
-Lesson 2-Community Leaders
Next week we will learn about:
-Lesson 3-People change communities
We will quiz after each lesson.
The test might be at the end of next week.

Chapter 3 -
Chapter 4- “Subtraction.”
We have studied:
-fact families
-estimating differences
-2 digit subtraction
-3 digit subtraction
Next week we will:
-subtract bigger numbers
-problem solve:estimate or exact answers
-subtract across zeros
-problem solve-choose an operation

Have a SCARY weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky