Tuesday, January 19, 2010

March 8-12

NO SCHOOL-Friday, 3/12

ISAT's continue next week!!!

Get a good nights rest and eat a healthy breakfast!

Anyone want to send in a special treat to pass out during ISAT weeks?

Book Orders due: Thanks for your orders!

Goody Basket-If you find any neat items to donate to the goody basket, send it in! We could use a refresher. New or slightly used items accepted!

Student of the Week: Blake

Reading PARTY for February: Congrats:















Nice reading and recording for February!!!

Math: Chapter 18 is next!

This is on Fractions!

What is a numerator?

What is a denominator?

Ask your child.

They should be able to tell you. :)

Mad Minute 12's are next week and the week after, since we only have two days of math next week.

Spelling: Spelling lesson will connect with our biography lesson.

If your child got a 100% on the pretest, they don't have to take the post-test on Thursday. There is no alternate list this week.

All packets are due Thurs. 3/11.

English-A unit on poetry is next!

Writing: Expository writing is coming along GREAT!!

Now we will study Persuasive writing!

Reading: A biography unit is next!

Science: Weather! Ask your child to tell you about different types of precipitation. What is condensation? What is the water cycle?

Test is coming soon!

Social Studies: We have started EGYPT!

Where in the world is Egypt? What continent is it on?

What was the Nile River used for?

Have a fantastic weekend!

Mrs. Spakausky