Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Spakausky/Grabowski Gazette for Nov. 16-20

On Thursday, Lakeview came over to do

Character Counts skits. Enjoy some pics of this!

Student of the Week


Quote of the week:

Limits exist only on conscious levels!

Website of the Week
Fun website, when you are bored!

Math-Ch. 5-Money and Time
What does your child know about money?
Does your child know how to tell time? Do they know what time it will be in 2 1/2 hours?

We will be studying time and money in math, so please practice at home.
In conjunction with chapter 5, we will start to learn our facts. Please drill and practice at home.

This is a good site for practice and worksheets.

Adverbs are next!

We will continue to study adjectives too.

We will be studying point of view and writing.

We will start a descriptive story from the "Turkey's Point of View."

L. 11 test and homework -due Th. 11/19/09.

We will be talking about author's purpose.
Book Reports-
The students will be getting information about their next book report on Monday. They should be looking for a mystery or realistic fiction book.
They will have to read the book, write a summary on notecards, complete a summary poster, and present.
Independent Reading Folders
Folders are due Tuesday, 12/1 and the
reading party will be Wednesday, 12/2.
Social Studies
We are studying modern day DG.

We will be working on a timeline and DG.

The students did a great job on their Matter tests!
Keep it up!
Energy! Whatis it?
What do you know about it???

Have a Great weekend!

Mrs. Spakausky and Miss Grabowski