Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Spakausky/Grabowski Gazette Sept. 7-11

Thanks to Mrs. Edwards for being our copy mom this year.
*I would also like to thank all the mom's who volunteered.

Prairieview is collecting gently used backpacks for needy schools/children.
Please send these in next week, if you have any.

Website of the week:

Internet Safety Games:"The Cyber Safety Test from PBS

Student of the Week

Each week there will be a student picked to be student of the week. This student will bring in photos, magazine pictures, or drawings/ descriptions about themselves. The categories that they will cover are:
My Family
Special Friends
My Favorite Foods
Where I Live
Thing I Like to Do
When I Grow Up I'd Like to
My Favorite Toys

The schedule for the week will be:
Monday - put up pictures and decorate the bulletin board
Tuesday - share your board with class
Wednesday - Read your favorite book to the class (about 10 minute limit)
Thursday - Bring a favorite show and tell item to share with class

Lesson 2 book assignment is due on Thursday, Sept. 10th!
Test-Lesson 1-due Thurs., Sept. 10th!
Thursday - test will be given and pre-test for following week
ALL Lesson homework due
**If your child passes the pre-test, the will receive a different list of activities and a different word list, on most weeks.

Chapter 1-"What is a Sentence?"

We will begin this next week.

Topics include:

*Statements and Questions

*Commands and Exclamations


*Subjects and Predicates

ENGLISH TEST-UNIT 1 is scheduled for Friday, 9/11!

We will start working in our cursive handwriting books next week. I will encourage the students to practice using cursive in their spelling work. I will require cursive in January. Thanks!


We will study the different reading strategies throughout the year. The first one that we will focus on is Visualization.
We are reading Dogzilla and 10 True Animal Stories for this strategy!


We will start with science inquiry skills.

We will cover:

*science procedures

*science materials

*scientific method

Social Studies

In social studies, the first unit will be about maps and map skills.

We talked about:

*cardinal directions

*intermediate directions
*continents and oceans


*map symbols

Math -
Mrs. Spakausky/Miss Grabowski's class ONLY

Chapter 1-Place Value
*odd and even numbers
*number lines
*place value-ones, tens, hundreds, thousands
TEST-Chapter 1--WED. 9/9/09