Thursday, September 25, 2008

Spakausky Scoop September 29-October 3

Mrs. Spakausky's Class had fun with Glob, Goo and Guts this week!

Check out these AWESOME picture!

Tomorrow-Friday-Johnny Appleseed's birthday! Send in a peeled, cored, cut up apple for our applesauce. We need this on Friday, 9/26!

Lunch Program-
Starting 10/23 will be the Nutri Kids (ticketless lunch system). Stay tuned for details!

Again-I have updated my e-mail list, so if you aren't getting reminders of when I've updated my blog, please contact me and let me add you to my e-mail address. If you gave me your e-mail address and still aren't getting weekly reminders, e-mail your address to me again. I can e-mail you any updated materials, etc. Thanks!

THANKS to all the parents who sent items in for our applesauce!

You are an awesome group!

Book Orders:
The October orders are due on October 15! Place them on-line, if possible. THANKS!
To order on line, go to the Web address below and enter our class’s personalized user name and password.

Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

Goody Basket-
The Goody Basket is used as a reward system. If the student receives 5 tickets, they get to pick out of the special basket at the end of the day!
Donations for toys, pencils, and other items of interest are always appreciated.
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week
Steven K.
Each week there will be a student picked to be student of the week. This student will bring in photos, magazine picture, or drawings/descriptions about themselves. The categories that they will cover are:
My Family
Special Friends
My Favorite Foods
Where I Live
Thing I Like to Do
When I Grow Up I’d like to
My Favorite Toys
How the special week works for your child:
Monday-put pictures up
Tuesday-share your board
Wed.-Read a favorite book (practice at home first)
Thursday-Show and Tell
Friday-Take board down

Handwriting Book-
We will work on this in homeroom after lunch.

We took the Lesson 4 test Thursday.
We also took the pretest for Lesson 5.
I will hand back the lesson 5 pretest on Friday. I will also pass back the assignment that will be due on Friday, 10/3.

Chapter 1-
*complete and incomplete sentences
*Statements and Questions
*Commands and Exclamations
*Subjects of the Sentence
*predicate of a sentence
Chapter 1 Test scheduled for Tuesday, 10/7.

The third grade teachers have covered the strategy of visualizing and we have discussed the literary elements of a story.
We will continue the strategy of Preview and Predict! We will read a story called, Balto and the Great Race.

Independent Reading Program
The folders are due on Wednesday, October 1st-no late folders, please.
The reading party will be on Thursday, October 2nd during lunch. On this day the students who have read for the month of September, will be invited into our classroom to eat lunch and watch a video. (Please no peanut products for lunch on this day-Thanks)!

Chapter 1-The Human Body-
We wrapping up our human body unit. We will most likely test on Friday, 10/3.

A study guide will come home next week.

Social Studies-Downers Grove
We have started our D.G. Unit. We have learned about the founder of D.G. and about the first D.G. settlers.
We will taking a D.G. field trip on October 17, 2008!
If you would like to be a chaperon, let me know and I will put your name into a “hat.” I will pull 5 chaperon helpers for this trip.

Chapter 2. We have covered:
*comparing numbers
*ordering numbers
*rounding numbers
*problem solve-using a model
Chapter 2 test will be on Monday, 9/29!

Have a SUPER weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky