Friday, August 29, 2008

September 1-5, 2008

Butterfly in the Wind
A child is a
butterfly in the wind
some can fly higher
than others:
But each one flies the
best that it can.
Why compare one against the other?
Each one is different.
Each one is beautiful.

Dear Parents,

Website of the Week:

Internet for the Classroom-

Please come to 3rd Grade Curriculum Night on Monday, September 8th at 7:00P.M. You will have a chance to meet the other third grade teachers and the principal. We will discuss what the year will be like and how you can help. I look forward to seeing you.

RTI Meeting-

This will be addressed on Thursday, Sept. 4th at 7:00, not at Curriculum Night!

Book Orders:
Book orders are due Monday, September 15th! Please order these on-line.

The children are allowed to bring one healthy drink or water and a healthy snack to school each day. NO Peanut products, please!

Goody Basket-
The Goody Basket is used as a reward system. If the student receives 5 tickets, they get to pick out of the special basket at the end of the day! Donations for toys, pencils, and other items of interest are always appreciated.

Spelling (My L.A. class only)
This week we will do Lesson 1 in the spelling book. There will be NO spelling test this week.

We will take a spelling pre-test on Friday for Lesson 2.

The usual spelling week will look something like this:




All homework and book work are due today

Take the Pre-Test for the next lesson.

Homework given for next lesson, which will be due a week from today.

English/Writing (L.A. Group only)
We are starting with our "Me Bags." The students will get information on this, Wednesday, 9/3. We will present during the week of 9/8.

We will start Unit 1, called “The Sentence.” This will start the week of the 16th!

Reading (L.A. Group only)
We will begin reading by going over the reading strategies. They include: predicting/inferring, questioning, decoding, evaluating, connecting and visualizing. We have learned that good readers do these things as they read. This helps with comprehension and fluency. We will read several small books this week. We will practice a different reading strategy each day.

The first story we will work on is called, Dogzilla! The strategy will be visualizing!

Independent Reading Folders (Homeroom only)

Due on Wed. 10/1

We will start chapter 1, called
“The Body’s Systems.” The students will learn about what parts make up the body in lesson 1. Next, we will read and discuss lesson 2 and 3. These lessons are about bones and muscles and the body systems.

If you are in the medical field and would like to talk with our third graders about the systems of the body, etc., please let me know and we can set up a time for you to be our "guest speaker."

Contact me at :

Social Studies
We have started map skills. We have learned about keys and symbols on a map and we will be studying the continents and oceans. We will also be learning about the directions and the hemispheres.

There will be a quiz on the 7 continents and 4 oceans-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH!

We will start by studying
chapter 1. This chapter is called, “Place Value.”

Check out the music blog!

What Mrs. Spakausky’s Class will Pack in their Box Marked Summer-Poem
By Mrs. Spakausky’s Third Graders 2008-2009

Jonathan will pack away memories of being a Cub Scout in the 4th of July Parade,
While Ross will remember his vacation in Florida and staying in a neat hotel.

Eve will remember swimming with friends at Cypress Cove,
While Adam won’t forget memories of Disney World and his favorite ride, Space Mountain.

Elena will pack away memories of being on Lake Michigan and her corn-on-the-cob fight,
While Jennifer will remember walking everywhere and seeing the Statue of Liberty in New York.

Lucas will never forget playing carpetball and swimming at camp in Indiana,
While Steven D. will remember playing sandpit tag at Camp Rodgers in Michigan.

Kailee will pack away her memories of the tropical storm while she was in Florida,
And Marc will remember the Mall of America in Minnesota.

Olivia will remember her birthday party at the pool,
While Allison won’t forget donating $90 to the Rhinos for her birthday, in place of presents.

Max will always remember the Nickelodeon Cruise and meeting the person, who does the voice for Sponge Bob and Sam and Freddy,
And Eric will pack away memories of seeing Clone Wars for his birthday.

Stephen K. will remember playing video games, especially the complete Star Wars Saga,
While Alec won’t ever forget going to Space Camp and meeting a famous astronaut.

Natalie will pack away memories of rock climbing at Lifetime Fitness for her birthday party,
And Ethan will remember hiking and camping at Yosemite Park (and seeing a bear).

Chantalle will never forget her trip to Costa Rica and seeing the volcano,
While Emily will never forget visiting Yellow Lake in Wisconsin.

Finally, Mrs. Spakausky will pack away memories of the beach at Braidwood, tubing in Wisconsin, whale watching in Monterey, the museums and zoos in Chicago and our cousin’s wedding in San Francisco!
Good-bye Summer!
Have a good week!
Mrs. Spakausky

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Spakausky's Scoop August 25-29, 2008

Dear Parents,

Welcome to 3rd Grade!

My name is Mrs. Tracy Spakausky and I will be your child’s 3rd grade teacher! This is my 16th year teaching in District 66. I am also an alumnus of District 66. I graduated from Lakeview in 1984 and now I am pleased to be working with some of my former teachers. I graduated from Northern Illinois University with a Bachelor of Science in Education and I completed my Master’s Degree from National-Louis University in 1996. I am excited about starting a new year with your child. I know it will be a productive and special school year!

This is the first of many blogs. Each Friday you should check my blog for new and informative news about what is going on in our classroom. In this letter you will find information about different events, dates, tests, quizzes, etc.


Thursday, Sept. 4th at 7:00 in the multipurpose

We are a “nut free” classroom this year! Please do not send any snacks to school that have peanuts or nut products. You may send items for lunch, but not for snack or for parties. Thanks!

Student of the Week
Mrs. Spakausky

Each week there will be a student picked to be student of the week. This student will bring in photos, magazine pictures, or drawings/descriptions about themselves. The categories that they will cover are:
My Family and Special Friends
My Favorite Foods
Where I Live
Thing I Like to Do (hobbies)
When I Grow Up I’d Like to
My Favorite Book

My Favorite Sport

The schedule is as follows:
Monday-put up pictures
Tuesday-share their board
Wednesday-show and tell

Thursday-read their favorite book
Friday-take down pictures

Each Monday your child will take a spelling pretest. If they get
0-1 wrong on their pretest they will go to LIST 2 and complete the list of activities they are given for LIST 2 that week. If they get 2-? wrong, they will study LIST 1 and do the assigned work for that list.

The schedule is as follows:
Tuesday-Go over the lesson in the book (book due on Friday)
Friday-Lesson in the book is due and take the Test

We will constantly be working on writing and English skills throughout the year. We will use the English textbook and our writing to learn and review these skills. We will also do some daily written language on a daily basis (D.O.L.) and this will be graded at least once a week.

In reading, we will be learning the different reading strategies while reading from our reading books and studying different novels.

My reading class-please come with a 3 ring binder 1/2-1 inch-any color or style is fine. Thanks!!! Due by Sept. 15th

The first subject that we will study, in science, is Health and the Human Body.

Social Studies
In social studies, the first unit will be on maps.

We will start by covering the basic facts: addition and subtraction.

Most of the subjects will start next week. This week we will just get to know each other and do some fun activities!


Music SuppliesNeeded for 3rd Grade:
2 erasable pens
one folder
some loose leaf paper
one pack of note cards

Lastly, I would like to invite you to “3rd Grade Curriculum Night on Monday, September 8th at 7:00P.M. We will go over some information for the year and answer any questions that you may have, so far.

Book Orders- see below

Have a Wonderful week!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Scholastic Book Orders

I have exciting news... You can now place your Scholastic Book Club orders online!

Book orders will go home tomorrow, Wednesday, August 27th!

Browse all the great monthly Club selections at low prices and order online - all while helping our classroom earn FREE books, software, and resources.
Here's how it works:
Use the information below to access the Scholastic Book Clubs Web site.
Browse the titles with your child, and place your order with your credit card.
Your order will come to me, and your credit card payment will go directly to Scholastic's secure server. There's no need to send money to school.
After I submit the entire class's order to Scholastic, your order will be delivered to our classroom for your child to take home.
Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

Remember, placing your online credit card order is completely safe and secure.
Ordering online is the most convenient way to use Scholastic Book Clubs. You can order anytime, right up until the online order due date. And this month, our class can earn additional FREE books, just for trying this online ordering service.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Mrs. Spakausky