Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Spakausky's Scoop-Newsletter for the week of October 1-5

“Spakausky’s Scoop”
October 1-5

Dear Parents,

Friday, September 28th
I'd like to thank Dr. G. Greiner for coming to our class to talk about the systems of the body and how they are related to animals. Dr. Greiner is a veterinarian from Burr Ridge Vet Clinic and he talked to the students about how the systems of the body apply to our pets. He talked about pets' insides and showed some interesting x-rays and MRI's. Thanks!

Movie Night
Friday, October 5th (6:30) is movie night. Is your child signed up to go?

Independent Reading Program
The folders are due on Monday, October 1st-no late folders, please.

The reading party will be during lunch on Thursday, October 4th. We will have pizza from Home Run Inn for this party. Send a DRINK on this day!

IF your child will be participating in the reading party this month, send in $3.25 with the reading folder on Monday, October 1st! They will receive a large slice of pizza and a jumbo cookie. (Send a drink on this day or milk money)

Goody Basket-
The Goody Basket is used as a reward system. If the student receives 5 tickets, they get to pick out of the special basket at the end of the day!
Donations for toys, candy, pencils, and other items of interest are always appreciated.
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week
Lauren S.

The categories that they will cover are:
My Family
Special Friends
My Favorite Foods
Where I Live
Thing I Like to Do
When I Grow Up I’d like to
My Favorite Toys
How the special week works for your child:
Monday-put pictures up
Tuesday-share your board
Wed.-Read a favorite book (practice at home first)
Thursday-Show and Tell
Friday-Share a favorite snack

Next week we will do Lesson 6 in the spelling book. Don't forget to ask your child if they are in the regular or challenge group this Monday.

The students received their unit 5 test back on Tuesday, 9/25. Ask them how they did.
Unit 1 is next. This chapter deals with “the sentence.”

We will be starting a weekly journal response on Friday, 9/28. Each Friday, the students will receive a two questions that they need to answer. I will be collecting these each Thursday. They will get a new one on that Friday and so on. Please follow the guidelines in the note I will send home on Friday, 9/28. The students are expected write 5 or MORE sentences to each response. The students should also attach a piece of notebook paper, if extra space is needed for their response. The first sheet will go home on Friday, 9/28 and it will be due on Thursday, October 4th!

We will be using our reading strategies in the next novels. We will have two groups for this novel study. One group will be reading
Math Wiz and the other group will be reading Hey, New Kid! Ask your child which book they are reading.

We are moving right along in each of these books. Ask your child what chapter we are on.

In chapter 1, we have discussed cells, organs, tissue and systems. Next week we will go into detail about each system. We have learned about the:
-skeletal system
-muscular system
-nervous systems.
There will be a quiz on Friday, 9/28.

High-Touch High-Tech
Our in-class “field trip” is Wednesday, 10/3. We learned a lot of neat things about systems and got a hands-on look at REAL organs!!! Cool!

Have an exciting weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky
Miss Nabor