Wednesday, April 29, 2009

MAY 4-8

Spakausky’s Scoop”
May 4-8


The third graders will be going to Chicago on a boat trip.

This will be on Tuesday, June 2nd!

The Chicago boat tour field trip will be on Tuesday, June 2nd. We will only be able to take 4 parent chaperons per classroom with us on this trip. Each chaperon will be required to pay an additional $6 charge. You will need to be able to meet us at Prairieview at 9am on June 2nd. You'll ride the buses down with us, and you will be responsible for a group of 4-5 students (including your own.) The buses will return to Prairieview at approximately 2pm. If you are interested in this job, please email me. Space is limited, so the first 4 parents to email me will be awarded the job. As was the case last year, chaperons often cancel. If you are not one of the first 4 to email me, you will be put on a waiting list in the order in which you have emailed me. Please keep in mind that space is very limited. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Additionally, the student permission slip for this field trip will be sent home on Monday, May 4th. Please make sure your child has returned the signed permission slip with $6 in cash by Friday, May 8th.

Food drive-Yeah-3rd grade collected the most!

Book Orders:
Next set of book orders are due Thurs., 4/30 by 4:00P.M.
Enjoy shopping!
Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

No spelling this week!

We have written:
List Poems
Riddle Poems
Diamond Poems
Limerick Poems
Mud Poems
Senses Poems
Sound Poems
What FUN!

Independent Reading Program
Monday, May 4th-April reading folders are due.
Tuesday, May 5th-reading party

Biographies -
ALL POSTERS are DUE on Monday, May 4th!
The students should see the rubric for what is expected of them.
We went over them in class and we saw two “good” examples.

The presentation:

*dress like the character (optional)

*bring in come type of prop

*bring in the book of that person

*write a 10 or more sentence summary, on note cards, to explain your person and what they were famous for

*video clips or other extra items to enhance your presentation, are acceptable

We will be learning about chapter 9, “The Water Cycle.”
In this chapter we will cover:
Lesson 1-”Where is Water Found on Earth?”
Lesson 2-”What is the Water Cycle?”
Lesson 3-”What is Weather?”
There will be a quiz after each lesson.
Have fun!

Social Studies.
Chicago is next!
What do you know about our GREAT city?

Ch. 18-Fractions
What are fractions?
What are equivalent fractions?
What is a numerator?
What is a denominator?
I'd like to have the chapter 18 test on Friday, May 8th, so review the chapter, as we go!
Mad Minutes Schedule:
5/4-Division 6 Mad Minutes

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spakausky's Scoop April 27-May 1

Egypt Test on Wed. 4/29
Study Guide DUE Monday, 4/27
Study the guide!

“Imagination Theater” assembly on Tuesday, April 28th in the A.M.

Prince of Egypt permission slip due by Tuesday, April 28th!

Early dismissal on Friday, 4/24-11:00AM

Being Good Citizens by Helping Our Environment

Prairieview School is participating in SCARE’S (School & Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education) Annual Gym Shoe Rescue for Nike’s Go Places Program.

We will be collecting old tennis shoes. Those that are still in good condition with be reused. Those that are worn out will be sent to Nike to be recycled into running track material and other athletic equipment such as footballs and tossing saucers.
Only gym shoes will be accepted. Please, no spikes, cleats, dress shoes, slippers, sandals or anything that is not a gym shoe. Please tie the shoes together.

Collection dates are April 20 through May 8. Thanks for all of your help.
At Prairieview School – “Character Counts!”

Food drive-send items in by April 27th!
3rd grade is in the lead!!!

Book Orders:
Next set of book
orders are due Thurs., 4/30
Enjoy shopping!

Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

Cursive, Please!
Lesson 32 is due on Friday, May 1st!
The test is on Thursday, April 30th!

We have written:
-List Poems
-Riddle Poems
-Diamond Poems
What FUN!

Independent Reading Program
Monday, May 4th-April reading folders are due.
Tuesday, May 5th-reading party

Biographies -
We have read about Jane Goodall, Babe Didrikson, Bill Melendez, Bessie Coleman, Hank Greenberg, John Scieszka, Rita Moreno, Billy Mills and Mark Twain.
Person of the week: Harry Houdini
Why was Harry Houdini famous?

The students should be finishing their biographies soon.
They have started their biography posters in class.
They can work on them at home also.
ALL POSTERS are DUE on Monday, May 4th!
The students should see the rubric for what is expected of them. We went over them in class and we saw two “good” examples.
The presentation:
*dress like the character (optional)
*bring in come type of prop
*bring in the book of that person
*write a 10 or more sentence summary, on note cards, to explain your person and what they were famous for.

*video clips or other extra items to enhance your presentation, are acceptable

We will be learning about chapter 9, “The Water Cycle.”
In this chapter we will cover:
Lesson 1-”Where is Water Found on Earth?”
Lesson 2-”What is the Water Cycle?”
Lesson 3-”What is Weather?”
There will be a quiz after each lesson.
Social Studies.
If all goes well, Ch. 11 social studies test has changed to Monday, April 27, 2009.

Ch. 7-Probability
What is probability?
What are outcomes?
What are experiments?

Study guide due Monday!
Test on Tuesday, 4/28!

Mad Minutes Schedule:
4/27-Division 5 Mad Minutes

Have a GREAT WARM weekend!!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Spakausky's Scoop for April 20-24

“Spakausky’s Scoop”

Early dismissal on Friday, 4/24-11:00AM

Being Good Citizens by Helping Our Environment

Prairieview School is participating in SCARE’S (School & Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education)

Annual Gym Shoe Rescue for Nike’s Go Places Program.

We will be collecting old tennis shoes. Those that are still in good condition with be reused. Those that are worn out will be sent to Nike to be recycled into running track material and other athletic equipment such as footballs and tossing saucers. Only gym shoes will be accepted.

Please, no spikes, cleats, dress shoes, slippers, sandals or anything that is not a gym shoe. Please tie the shoes together.

Collection dates are April 20 through May 8. Thanks for all of your help.
At Prairieview School – “Character Counts!”

Food drive-send items in by April 27th!

Book Orders:
They will go home on Friday, 4/17
Due on Thurs., 4/30!

Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

Lesson 29 due on Friday, April 24th!

Unit 6 -pronouns
Test is changed to Thursday, April 30th!

What is a color poem?
What is rhyme and rhythm in poetry?
Can you find some poems with these?

Independent Reading Program
Monday, May 4th-April reading folders are due.
Tuesday, May 5th-reading party

Biographies -
We have read about Jane Goodall, Babe Didrikson, Bill Melendez, Bessie Coleman, Hank Greenberg, John Scieszka, Rita Moreno and Billy Mills.
The students will be reading a biography of their choice and filling out a biography poster on this person.

We will be learning about chapter 9, “The Water Cycle.”
In this chapter we will cover:
Lesson 1-”Where is Water Found on Earth?”
Lesson 2-”What is the Water Cycle?”
Lesson 3-”What is Weather?”
Have fun!

Social Studies
We have started learning about “Rights and Responsibilities” of being a U.S. Citizen.
This is chapter 11 in our social studies book.

If all goes well, Ch. 11 social studies test is scheduled for

Thursday, April 23, 2009.

Chapter 6-Data and Graphs
What is data?
Ask your child what kinds of graphs we have been talking about.
Test on Chapter 6-Monday, April 20th!

Mad Minutes Schedule:
4/20-Division 4 Mad Minutes

Have a SUPER weekend!!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Spakausky's Scoop for April 20-24

Early dismissal on Friday, 4/24-11:00AM

Being Good Citizens by Helping Our Environment

Prairieview School is participating in SCARE’S (School & Community Assistance for Recycling and Composting Education)
Annual Gym Shoe Rescue for Nike’s Go Places Program.

We will be collecting old tennis shoes. Those that are still in good condition with be reused. Those that are worn out will be sent to Nike to be recycled into running track material and other athletic equipment such as footballs and tossing saucers. Only gym shoes will be accepted.
Please, no spikes, cleats, dress shoes, slippers, sandals or anything that is not a gym shoe.
Please tie the shoes together.

Collection dates are April 20 through May 8. Thanks for all of your help.

At Prairieview School – “Character Counts!”

Food drive-send items in by April 27th!

Book Orders:
The next set of software and book orders are due by Thursday, April 30th!

Class User Name: spakausky
Password: Books

Lesson 29 due on Friday, April 24th!

Unit 6 -pronouns
Test is changed to Thursday, April 30th!
What is a color poem?
What is rhyme and rhythm in poetry?
Can you find some poems with these?
Independent Reading Program
Monday, May 4th-April reading folders are due.
Tuesday, May 5th-reading party
Biographies -
We have read about Jane Goodall, Babe Didrikson, Bill Melendez, Bessie Coleman, Hank Greenberg, John Scieszka, Rita Moreno and Billy Mills.
The students will be reading a biography of their choice and filling out a biography poster on this person.
We will be learning about chapter 9, “The Water Cycle.”
In this chapter we will cover:
Lesson 1-”Where is Water Found on Earth?”
Lesson 2-”What is the Water Cycle?”
Lesson 3-”What is Weather?”
Have fun!
Social Studies
We will have a quiz on Egypt next week.
We have started learning about “Rights and Responsibilities” of being a U.S. Citizen.
This is chapter 11 in our social studies book.
If all goes well, Ch. 11 social studies test is scheduled for Thursday, April 23, 2009.
Chapter 6-Data and Graphs
What is data?
Ask your child what kinds of graphs we have been talking about.
Test on Chapter 6-Monday, April 20th!
Mad Minutes Schedule:
4/20-Division 4 Mad Minutes
Have a SUPER weekend!!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Spakausky's Scoop April 13-17

Spakausky’s Scoop”
Have an Excellent Easter!!!

Food drive-send items in by April 27th!

No School-
Friday, 4/10-Good Friday

Lesson 28 due on Friday, April 17th!

Unit 6 -pronouns
Test will be on Thursday, April 23rd!

Independent Reading Program
Congrats to the following for reading for the month of March:
Keep up the great reading!

Biographies -
We have read about Jane Goodall, Babe Didrikson and Bill Melendez. Next, we will read and learn about Bessie Coleman, Hank Greenberg, John Scieszka, Rita Moreno and Billy Mills.
The students will be reading a biography of their choice and filling out a biography poster on this person.

Weather comes next!

Social Studies
We will have a quiz on Egypt next week.
We have started learning about “Rights and Responsibilities” of being a U.S. Citizen. This is chapter 11 in our social studies book.

Chapter 6-Data and Graphs
What is data?
Ask your child what kinds of graphs we have been talking about.
Mad Minutes Schedule:
4/10-Division 3 Mad Minutes

Mrs. T. Spakausky