Wednesday, April 23, 2008

April 28-May 2

“Spakausky’s Scoop”

Parents-could you please stress to your child that they are not to be coming in DAILY to buy lunch tickets. They should only be coming in occasionally when they don't have a lunch &/or ran out of tickets Please have your child keep an “emergency” ticket in a special pocket in their binder or in their locker in an “emergency” envelop.
Please bring in Exact change (2.25) for your lunch ticket. If a student borrows a lunch ticket, he has to pay it back the following day. If the student has not paid back or if he has borrowed twice in the trimester, he will not be able to borrow again.
Thank you for understanding!

Box Top deadline is Wednesday, April 30th. Collect and send in asap!

*Monday, April 28th-Field Museum
*Wear comfortable shoes
*Bring a lunch or $6.00 for McDonalds
Thanks for going:
*Mrs. Rossi *Mrs. Kling
*Mrs. Campbell *Mrs. McCallion
*Mrs.Balinski *Mrs. Cikoch
Be at school by 8:45A.M.

Thursday, May 15th-Downers Grove
*Mrs. Wuenschel
*Mrs. Cikoch
Monday, June 2nd-Chicago Boat Trip

Chaperones-I can take as many parents that want to go. You will have to pay for your boat ticket and drive separately. Check your calendars. What a great way to end the school year!!!
Chaperones riding the bus with a group
*Mrs. Wuenschel
*Mrs. Swain
*Mrs. Johnson
*Mr. Kling

Parents going, but driving separately
(I can only have a certain number of parents riding the bus-sorry for any inconvenience)
*Mrs. Cikoch
*Mrs. Balinski
Who else would like to go? It is $7.00?

April Spirit Days
Friday, April 25th -- Decade Day -- dress up in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's apparel

Goody Basket-
Donations-Thanks so much:

Student of the Week
Emily was this week!-Yeah!

We have learned about good leads, great closings, narrowing topics down, transition phrases to make a fluent paper, ideas, voice, organization, good word choices and conventions. Now we are ready to start writing!!!

Biography lesson for spelling this week.

We will study biographies are next! Who are you interested in knowing more about?

Independent Reading Program-
*Folders are due on Fri. May 2nd!
*$3.00 due for Taco Bell.
*Taco reading party on Fri. May 2nd!
***Any volunteers to pick up the food??? Thanks Mrs. Johnson!

We have discussed animals and their needs and their traits. We have also covered mammals and birds. Next, we will cover amphibians, fish and reptiles.

Social Studies-
Downers Grove is next! What do you know about this terrific city?
I need a few more volunteers for this field trip on May 15th!

Spakausky's Math Update-
Chapter 11-Fractions
What are fractions? What is an equivalent fraction? Can your child answer these questions?
Get extra practice at this website.
Fractions website
Mad Minute Schedule:
Week of: April 28th-start division 4's.

Q: What do you have to pay when you go to school?

Website of the week:
Fractions website

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

April 21-25

“Spakausky’s Scoop”

Happy Earth Day-April 22

Early Dismissal-
Thursday, 4/24 at 11:00A.M.

Open House-
It was nice seeing you at open house. Hope you enjoyed your visit!

Parents-could you please stress to your child that they are not to be coming in DAILY to buy lunch tickets. They should only be coming in occasionally when they don't have a lunch &/or ran out of tickets Please have your child keep an “emergency” ticket in a special pocket in their binder or in their locker in an “emergency” envelop.
Please bring in Exact change (2.25) for your lunch ticket. If a student borrows a lunch ticket, he has to pay it back the following day. If the student has not paid back or if he has borrowed twice in the trimester, he will not be able to borrow again.
Thank you for understanding!

Box Top
deadline is Wednesday, April 30th. Collect and send in asap!

Please turn in your Field Museum field trip slip by 4/18 or sooner. Thanks for all that volunteered to chaperon. If you weren't chosen, please sign up for the Downers Grove and/or Chicago Boat trip.

*Monday, April 28th-Field Museum
*Mrs. Rossi *Mrs. Kling
*Mrs. Campbell *Mrs. McCallion
*Mrs.Balinski *Mrs. Cikoch

Thursday, May 15th-Downers Grove
*Mrs. Wuenschel *
* *
Monday, June 2nd-Chicago Boat Trip
Chaperones-I can take as many parents that want to go. You will have to pay for your boat ticket and drive separately. Check your calendars. What a great way to end the school year!!!
*Mrs. Wuenschel *
* *
* *
April Spirit Days
Friday, April 18th -- favorite rock group t-shirt, choir or band shirt
Friday, April 25th -- Decade Day -- dress up in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's apparel

Goody Basket-
Donations-Thanks so much:

Student of the Week
Has everyone gone???

We will be writing narratives next!

Lesson 30!

We will study biographies are next!

Independent Reading Program-
*Folders are due on Fri. May 2nd!
*$3.00 due for Taco Bell.
*Taco reading party on Fri. May 2nd!
***Any volunteers to pick up the food???

Spakausky's Math Update-
Chapter 11-Fractions
Mad Minute Schedule:
Week of: April 21th-start division 3's.

Website of the week:
Fractions website

We have discussed animals and their needs and their traits. We have also covered mammals and birds. Next, we will cover amphibians, fish and reptiles.

Animal power point presentations on animals:

Social Studies-
Downers Grove is next!
We have also started Jr. Achievement. We are working with Mr. MacPherson. He is teaching us about cities and what goes into the making of a city.

Extra Credit
Visit the Chicago Historical Museum before May 1st and receive extra credit in social studies.
Bring back “proof” of your visit for credit!

Have a great weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 14-18

“Spakausky’s Scoop”

Open House-
Thursday, April 17th from 6:45-8:30. Come see what we have been up to???

April Spirit Days
Friday, April 18th -- favorite rock group t-shirt, choir or band shirt
Friday, April 25th -- Decade Day -- dress up in the 50's, 60's, 70's, 80's or 90's apparel

Goody Basket-
Donations-Thanks so much:

Student of the Week

We will be writing narratives next!

Lesson 29!

Social Studies
Ask your child what we learned about this week? Hint: Jane Addams, museums, famous buildings, Lincoln Park Zoo!!!

Extra Credit
Visit the Chicago Historical Museum before May 1st and receive extra credit in social studies.
Bring back “proof” of your visit for credit!
Have fun!

Our chocolate theme is coming to an end. We will finish this unit with a written newspaper assignment and a mini-”healthy” chocolate party. If you can send in chocolate covered fruit, pretzels or raisins, etc. let me know. This would be for Friday, 4/18. We will discuss Roald Dahl in more depth and watch Charlie and the Chocolate Factory on this day.
*Does anyone have the Gene Wilder version of Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, not the newer version??? If so, can you sent it in? Thanks!

Independent Reading Program-
*Folders are due on Fri. May 2nd!
*$3.00 due for Taco Bell.

*Taco reading party on Fri. May 2nd!
***Any volunteers to pick up the food???

Spakausky's Math Update-
Unit 10-Geometry-
Test Friday, April 11th!

Fractions are next!!!

Mad Minute Schedule:
Week of: April 14th-start division 2's.

Website of the week:
Division website

We have discussed animals and their needs and their traits. We have also covered mammals. Next, we have birds. How many characteristics can you come up with on birds?
Animal power point presentations on animals:

Social Studies-
Chicago is coming along fine. We will wrap up next week. Downers Grove is next!
Jr. Achievement-We start this next Tuesday!

Have an extraordinary weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Friday, April 4, 2008

April 7-11

See hard copy of my newsletter for this weeks blog!

Math-Geometry projects are due April 10th!
Study multiplication mixes this weekend. We start on Monday and will take them each day.
Division 2's will be next!

Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. S.