Friday, December 21, 2007

THANK YOU-December 21, 2007

Dear Students and Parents:

Thank you so much for the
presents and the gift certificates. I
appreciate your generosity and thoughtfulness.
I am looking forward to shopping, eating,
and readingover the holidays. The presents
were wonderful, too. I loved each one of

I hope you and your families have
a restful, fun-filled winter break. Enjoy
your time with your loved ones. Create
new memories and celebrate old traditions.

Thank you again for your kindness and
have a magical New Year!!! The students
will also LOVE playing with their new games
when they return from break. It will be fun for
them to play Battleship, checkers, Clue, chess
and more!

Merry Christmas!
Mrs. Spakausky

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

JANUARY 7-11-Happy New 2008!!! Newsletter

Happy Holidays and Happy 2008!

See you back on Monday, January 7th!

Holiday Party
Thanks to the people who donated money for our class pizza party and thank you to the parents who organized it and for Mrs. Wuenschel for picking up the pizza.
This worked out great!!!

*We will be bowling Thurs., 12/20 after lunch. Your child can bring money for snacks at the bowling alley, but it is optional.

*Finally, Friday, 12/21 is our Tivoli trip to see the private viewing of Polar Express. We will have pizza at 10:30 before we board the buses to see the movie (from 12:00-1:40). What FUN!

WANTED: Parents volunteers to help us tie skates. The dates we skate are 1/8/- 1/22. Any time and any class. Write a note to Ms. Stainman to let her know when you are available.

FORGOTTEN LUNCHES: Starting in January, 2008 students who do not have a lunch ticket or money will be able to borrow from the office providing there is not an outstanding balance due for lunch tickets. If your child forgets his/her hot lunch ticket or has used them all, he/she may bring $2.25 to school and purchase a ticket that day from the office staff. Students must have exact change to purchase a ticket; no change will be given. If a child has no lunch, no money and the parent cannot be contacted, he/she may borrow from school office, but only twice per trimester. Students will no longer be able to borrow lunch tickets from the lunchroom staff.

Spirit Days
Dec. 21 - Holiday Wear
January 11-Wear Yellow for Respect

Goody Basket-
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week
Ryan S.

Unit 6 on pronouns is coming up after break!

Lesson 14 is next! The pattern of this lesson is irregular past tense words.

Social Studies
Chapter 3 is next. This deals with immigration and traditions.

In science, we will be learning about the different states of matter. What is a solid, liquid and gas?

Independent Reading Program
Read and record in December!!!The December party will on Friday, January 11th. We will do a Home Run Inn Pizza reading party. I don't need anyone to pick it up.
Please send in $3.00 if your child will be participating.

Don't forget to record your Great America minutes too!!!

Spakausky's Math Update-
Chapter 4 is next! This is on time and measurement!

Multiplication update:
Mad Minute Schedule:
0's and 1's

Week of:
Jan. 7-11- Multiplication 5's.
Jan. 14-Mult. 10's
Jan. 21 Mult. 11's

Fable or folktale? That is the question. We will learn about both and read some great stories. We will continue this after break!

Joke of the week:
Q: Why did the teacher take diving lessons?
A: He wanted to work as a sub!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Website of the week:
Map Skills Puzzles

Have a magical break! Mrs. T. Spakausky

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Spakausky's Scoop-December 17-21

Miss Nabor's Party was a success! We gave her a personalized school bag, teacher post-it notes, an apple timer, a personalized teacher ornament, a personalized red/white heart blanket that said, “We Love You”- 3rd Grade, a silver teacher bracelet with red crystals on it and a hanging teacher charm, and a personalized desk organizer. We also purchased a cake and had Miss Nabor's games and snacks to celebrate. We made a class going away book with all the letters the students sent in.
Miss Nabor really appreciated all the items that were picked out for her!

Holiday Party
We will have a class pizza party on Friday, December 21st!
Some mom's will supply some cheese pizzas, cupcakes and drinks on that day for lunch. If you child would like to eat a sack lunch on this day, that is fine, also.
No charge for the pizza party, but if you want to send in a donation of $1-2, I will send it to the mom's that are doing this, to help with the cost.

Other Reminders for next week:
*The students will enjoy a band concert on Monday, 12/17 at 1:15, what fun!

*The class has earned a good behavior marble party. This will be from 1:45-2:25 on Wed., 12/19. They can bring a treat to share with the class and a pillow, stuffed animal OR blanket. It has to fit in their locker. We will watch a G rated movie of their choice, also.

*We will be bowling Thurs., 12/20 after lunch. Your child can bring money for snacks at the bowling alley, but it is optional.

*Finally, Friday, 12/21 is our Tivoli trip to see the private viewing of Polar Express. We will have pizza at 10:30 before we board the buses to see the movie (from 12:00-1:40). What FUN!
(Please make sure you have permission slips in for bowling and the movie-if not, get it from our school website).

Busy week ahead!

December Spirit Days
Dec. 14 - School Spirit Day
Dec. 21 - Holiday Wear

Goody Basket-
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week

Unit 4-We are learning about adjectives and adverbs.

We will do a holiday list. You will get the packet on Monday and have a test on Friday!

Due on Thursday, December 20th!

Social Studies
We have learned about rural communities and suburban communities, so far. Next it will be urban. The chapter 2 test will be on Friday morning the 21st of December!!!

Independent Reading Program
Read and record in December!!!The December party will on Friday, January 11th. We will do a Home Run Inn Pizza reading party. I don't need anyone to pick it up.
Please send in $3.00 if your child will be participating.

Spakausky's Math Update-
Chapter 2 test will be on Thursday, 12/20. Study chapter 2.

Fable or folktale? That is the question. We will learn about both and read some great stories.

Joke of the week:
Q: What did the werewolf write on his holiday cards?
A: “Best vicious!”

Website of the week:
On-line stores-visit---

Have a fantastic weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky

Dec. 10-14-NEWS

Our School's Service Project!
Thanks to all of you that donated to our needy family. They will have a nice holiday because of US!!!

Our Family
Family Gift-
Happy Feet DVD
$10 Meijer Gift Card
$10 Wal-Mart Gift Card
$25 Chili's Gift Card
Cranium-Grab and Go Super Sudoko and Velveteen Rabbit
Hannah Montana DVD
$20 Chuck E Cheese Card
$25 Wal-Mart Gift Card
Candyland Game
Cooties Game

$20 gift card to Bath and Body
“Hope” bracelet
silver/gold watch
Bath and Body Products with shower organizer
$15 Target gift card
gingerbread candle
Honey Almond Bath Set
Hat, gloves, scarf

***Lanya (cancer patient)-6 year old female
puzzle book
Barbie Sun catchers Painting
Fleece outfit with headband
Island Barbie Doll
Disney Princes color book crafts
Jr. Monopoly
Brain Quest
Trouble Game
Sweet Secrets play set
Trouble game
markers and coloring book
blending pen set
Human Body floor puzzle

***Makayla (cancer patient)-4 year old female
dog costume fun play
Fleece outfit with headband
Littlest Pet Shop Game
Velvet poster and markers
Fur Real Tug pup
Disney magnetic game/book
Dress up puzzle doll
Sweet Secrets play set
mini computer game
Elmo Book and crayons
hat, scarf, mitten set
magnetic bug catching game
Moon Sand castle

Jada-5 year old female
puzzle book
Barbie Scrapbook Kit
Fleece outfit with headband
Crayola Color Explosion and Princess Tatoos
Markers and coloring pad -princesses
Littlest Pet shop game
Sweet Secrets play set
crayons and coloring book
paint by number
Guess Who Game
travel activity book

-$10 Target card
-$10 Target card
-$10 monetary gift
-$10 monetary gift
-$10 monetary gift
-$15 Target gift card
-$20 monetary gift
-$10 Target
-$10 monetary gift
-$20 Target gift card

Holiday Party
We will have a class pizza party on Friday, December 21st!
Some mom's will supply some cheese pizzas, cupcakes and drinks on that day for lunch. If you child would like to eat a sack lunch on this day, that is fine, also.
No charge for the pizza party, but if you want to send in a donation of $1-2, I will send it to the mom's that are doing this, to help with the cost.

Sub Alert-
FYI- There will be a sub here for me on
Friday, 12/11/07.

November/December Spirit Days
Dec. 7 - Character Counts Day-WEAR RED
Dec. 14 - School Spirit Day
Dec. 21 - Holiday Wear

Goody Basket-
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week

Unit 4-We are learning about adjectives and adverbs.

L. 13 this week.-change of plans-sorry

Due on Thursday, December 13th!

Chapter 2 test is on Friday, 12/7.

Social Studies
We will start chapter 2 on urban, suburban and rural communities.

Independent Reading Program
Congrats to the following people who read for the month of November:
-Adam -Kelsey -Greg
-Ryan R. -Mary -Daniel
-Karina -Caitlin -Ryan S.
-Matthew -Madison -Nicky
-Isa -James -Lauren
-Anita -Paul -Emily
-T.J. -Emma -Amy
*Thank you to Mrs. Wuenschel for picking up Taco Bell! YUMMY!

Spakausky's Math Update-
Chapter 2 and subtraction is next!

We are going to be reading our last story in the traditions unit of our reading book. The story is called Dancing Rainbows by Evelyn Clarke Mott. We will continue the skill of map clusters.

Joke of the week:
Q: What word starts with e, ends with e, and only has one letter it it?
A: Envelope

Website of the week:
Kid-Friendly Search Engine:
Try using this when your child is looking for interesting facts on the Internet.

Have a tremendous weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky