Thursday, November 29, 2007

Spakausky Scoop--- December 3-7

We'll Miss You
Miss Nabor!
Her last day is Friday, 12/7!
Good Luck!


Dear Parents,
Miss Nabor’s last day will be Friday, December 7th!. The students and I have enjoyed having her in our classroom very much. They have learned so much from her and I know they will truly miss her. I need your help in planning her last day.
I am asking that each student write a letter to Miss Nabor. I would like the students to have two paragraphs. In the first paragraph include their first and last name, favorite hobbies and subjects and other information about them personally. In the second paragraph, they can include what they enjoyed most about her being here, what they will miss about her and any questions they may have for her. They can attach a photo of themself, if they would like, and draw a colorful picture, if there is room at the bottom of their page. Please use a piece of notebook paper that is 8x10 ½ . We will then insert the letter into a special book here at school. I would like these letters to be turned in by Monday, December 3rd, at the latest.
We will also be giving Miss Naborla surprise party on Thursday, December 2nd at 1:30ish. If anyone would like to send in a drink or a treat for that day please let me know. Also, if anyone would like to make/buy a banner for our party that would be great. (You can send the items in any time before the party and leave it in the office). (I will also accept a person or two or three to, set-up, supply items to decorate with, be a photographer for the party, etc. plan 2 paper and pencil activities for the party (Miss Nabor Bingo, for example).
Lastly, I will be purchasing some special gifts for Miss Nabor from the class. They will be gifts to help her get started in her teaching career. If you would like to donate somewhere between
$3.00-$5.00 that would be great! I will be ordering her a beautiful teacher bracelet and I will also pick up some “teacher” items to fill a “teacher” bag. We will present them to her at the party on Thursday. If you want to pick up a small teacher gift/gift card and send it in, that is okay too. If you plan to send in a monetary donation I would like to have it by Monday, November 19th. Please send it in an envelope with Mrs. Spakausky’s name and your child’s name on the front.
Do not write what it is for. Thank you so much for your help. Please feel free to call or e-mail me ( if you have any questions or if you want to help in any way.
Mrs. Spakausky

No School-
Friday, November 30th!

Our School's Service Project!
Donations and gifts are
due on Wednesday, 12/5.

So far we have collected:

$20 gift card to Bath and Body

***Lanya (cancer patient)-6 year old female
puzzle book
Barbie Sun catchers Painting
Fleece outfit with headband

***Makayla (cancer patient)-4 year old female
dog costume fun play
Fleece outfit with headband

Jada-5 year old female
puzzle book
Barbie Scrapbook Kit
Fleece outfit with headband

Family Gift-
Happy Feet DVD
$10 Meijer Gift Card
$10 Wal-Mart Gift Card

-$10 Target card
-$10 Target card
-$10 monetary gift
-$10 monetary gift

Holiday Party
In lieu of a holiday party, Principal Schultz has decided to have the students attend a movie at the Tivoli. We will be going there on Friday, 12/2, after lunch, to see
The Polar Express!. What fun!
I think we may have a pizza lunch party on this day, so stay tuned for details!

Sub Alert-
FYI- There will be a sub here for me on
Friday, 12/7/07.

November/December Spirit Days
Dec. 7 - Character Counts Day
Dec. 14 - School Spirit Day
Dec. 21 - Holiday Wear

Goody Basket-
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week

Unit 4 is next! We will learn about adjectives and adverbs.

Lesson 12 will be next week.

No writing prompt this week.

The chapter 2 test will most likely be on Thursday, December 6th! Study, study!

Independent Reading Program
*November Reading Party will be on Wednesday, December 5th!
*I will check reading folder on Monday, 12/3.
*Optional-$3.00 due for Taco Bell on Mon. 12/3.
*I still need a parent volunteer to pick up Taco Bell on that Wednesday at 10:40. Thanks!

Spakausky's Math Update-
Chapter 2 is next! We have been studying estimation, rounding, and addition of larger numbers.

We are going to be reading our last story in the traditions unit of our reading book. The story is called The Talking Cloth. We will be learning the sill of map clusters.

Joke of the week:
Q: What happened to the dog that fell in the freezer?
A: He became a frozen pup-scicle!

Have a great 3 day weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky
Miss Nabor

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Holiday Gift Shop-Thursday, 11/29/07 ---4-7pm

Come shop for Christmas at the Holiday Gift Shop!
Mrs. Spakausky will also be displaying her beaded jewelry at the
"parent" fair, in the gym next store!

4:00-7:00 Holiday Gift Shop

Needy Family Update November 27, 2007

Great donations, so far. The donation deadline is Wednesday, December 5th!


***Lanya (cancer patient)-6 year old female
puzzle book
Barbie Suncatchers Painting

***Makayla (cancer patient)-4 year old female
dog costume fun play

Jada-5 year old female
puzzle book
Barbie Scrapbook Kit

Family Gift-
1) Happy Feet DVD

-$10 Target card
-$10 Target card

Monday, November 19, 2007

Reminder for 12/3.

SHHHH-Surprise items, donation, letters due Monday, 12/3. Party on Thurs., 12/6-1:15.

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Now’s the time to place your orders. Yearbooks are $9.00 and the deadline for your orders is Monday, December 3, 2007.
No orders will be accepted after that date.
Please make checks payable to Lifetouch.
Please make sure your student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level are marked on the order form.
Yearbook order forms went home with your child on November 15th
and there a few extra envelopes available; please try not to lose them.
If your child loses it, you can send an envelope with the following information on it: student’s name, teacher’s name and grade level along with a check made payable to Lifetouch for $9.00. It is very important that you put the information on the envelope; Lifetouch does not know who your child’s teacher is.

November 19-23-Happy Thanksgiving!

Miss Nabor and I would like to wish you and your family a very
Happy Thanksgiving!

Dancing FUN for READING!
Grandma's Records
After reading and studying the story, Grandma's Records, we invited some dancers in to perform and teach some salsa dancing. On Friday, November 19th, the students enjoyed learning some salsa moves. Ask them who there partner was and if they enjoyed the Latin music. Did you twirl your partner?

Kim Garvey & Michael Blank, from Celebrity Dance Studio, were AWESOME! If your child is interested in taking dance classes, you can check out their website. They have Saturday kids classes in Downers Grove. What fun!

Holiday Service Project
Each year Prairieview runs a service project around the holidays. Our efforts will benefit two organizations: a cancer family and a children's shelter.
Each classroom at Prairieview has a family or an individual that is in need at this time.
In addition to the cancer families, we will also be making donations to LutherBrook, a shelter for less fortunate boys and girls.
This year our class has a very special family.
Our family includes:

~Lanya(cancer patient) -6 years old –female
~Makayla (cancer patient) -4 years old – female
~Jada -5 years old – female

Sadly, Lanya and Makayla both have cancer. Not only does this family struggle with the stress of treatments and illness, but they are less fortunate than us financially, too. In order to make this a special holiday, we have “adopted” them. If you could send in a NEW, not used, present for one or more of the family members, that would be appreciated.

*Please wrap the gift
*LABEL the item with what it is with a post it.
*Label who it is for

Some ideas for NEW (not used) gifts include, but are not limited to:
Lanya (age 6) age appropriate games/toys, books, crafts, winter hat/gloves, jewelry, etc.
Makayla (age 4) age appropriate toys, board games, books, winter hat/gloves, socks, etc
Jada (age 5) age appropriate games/toys, books, puzzles, winter hat/gloves, socks, winter hat/gloves, socks, etc.
Mom: bath and body, perfume, jewelry, candles, kitchen accessories, picture frames/albums, gift certificates,
gift baskets, slippers, etc.

Gift certificates to consider:
Jewel, Best Buy, Kohl’s, Wal-Mart, Target, Toys R Us, K-Mart, Sears, JC Penney’s, Carson Pierre Scott, Chili’s, TGIFridays, Subway, McDonalds, Burger King, ETC.

These gifts will be delivered before Christmas along with a freshly cut tree donated
by Strong Landscaping.

Gifts for LutherBrook:
We are accepting Cash or Target gift cards in any denomination. This goes towards gifts on the children's wish list and toward a special holiday party! This is greatly appreciated!
Thanks for your support!

No School-
Wednesday, 11/21, 11/22, and 11/23. Happy Turkey Day!

In need of-
chapter books and picture books to donate to a needy school-by 11/16.

Junior Achievement-
Our next session will be on November 29th from 12:00-1:00 with Mr. Elliot.

November/December Spirit Days
Nov. 16 - Favorite Sports Team Wear
Dec. 7 - Character Counts Day
Dec. 14 - School Spirit Day
Dec. 21 - Holiday Wear

Goody Basket-
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week for the week of Nov. 26th

No Spelling during the week of Thanksgiving.

Grandma's Records.-skill taught categorize and classify.
After reading help the students think about:
1. Did Eric like the visits with his Grandma? What parts of the story make you think so? Have you ever
visited a family member who lives somewhere else? Where? What do you remember about the visit?
2. Where did Grandma and her nephew Sammy, the musician, come from? Is it part of the United States? What languages are spoken there?
3. Why would Grandma put her hand over her heart when her favorite record was playing? Have you ever felt a song was “just for you?” Do you have a favorite song? What is it?
4. Did Eric like Sammy’s concert in New York? Have you ever gone to a music concert? Where? Who was playing? What did you enjoy about the music?

Independent Reading Program
*November Reading Party will be on Wednesday, December 5th!
*I will check reading folder on Monday, 12/3.
*Optional-$3.00 due for Taco Bell on Mon. 12/3.
*I need a parent volunteer to pick up Taco Bell on that Wednesday. Thanks!

Unit 3 is on Verbs. The test will most likely be on Wed., 11/28.

No writing prompt this week.

We started a sloppy copy of our turkey story on Tuesday. Please finish the turkey point of view story by Friday, 11/16. You can type it or write your final copy in cursive! See sheets for directions and rubric.

There will be a quiz after each lesson in the chapter 2 health unit. We had our first one on nutrition. The next one will be on germs and diseases.

HEALTH FEST reminder-
The health fest will be on Tuesday, 11/20. If you have food to drop off, please drop it off by 12:30, not 1:00. Thanks!
During our health fest, we will be exercising, napping, playing “healthy bingo,” trying different healthy foods and brushing our teeth!

The chapter 2 test will most likely be on Tuesday, 12/4.

Spakausky's Math Update-
Chapter 1 has come to an end and the test will be on Friday, 11/16.
Chapter 2 is next!

Conference schedule:
Tuesday, November 27th

Wednesday, November 28th
5:45-5:55-Ryan S.
5:55-6:05-Ryan R.

December 6th

Joke of the week:
Q: Why was the centipede dropped from the soccer team?
A: It took him too long to put his shoes on.

Website of the week:
Introduce your child to a foreign language. Write a foreign phrase on an envelope, and ask everyone to guess the meaning. Read the guesses and actual meaning aloud. Phrases can be found at

Have a nice weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky
Miss Nabor

Thursday, November 8, 2007

November 12-16-Spakausky's Scoop

Help: We are in need of:
chapter books and picture books to donate to a needy school-by Friday, 11/16.
hand sanitizer-asap
multicolored tissue paper for projects and brown tissue paper-asap
Thanks in advance!

Junior Achievement-
Our next session will be on Friday, November 9th from 12:00-1:00 with
Mr. Elliot. What fun!!!

November/December Spirit Days
Nov. 9 - School Spirit Day
Nov. 16 - Favorite Sports Team Wear
Dec. 7 - Character Counts Day
Dec. 14 - School Spirit Day
Dec. 21 - Holiday Wear

Goody Basket-
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week

Thanksgiving List-
Monday- We will pre-test on the Thanksgiving words. 100% on pre-test means they don't have to take the test on Friday. NO CHALLENGE list this week!
Tuesday and Wednesday-Spelling sheet/activity
Thursday-Class Spelling Bee
Friday-Thanksgiving Test

Next, we will be reading Grandma's Records. The skill taught using this story is categorize and classify.
After reading help the students think about:1. Did Eric like the visits with his Grandma? What parts of the story make you think so? Have you ever visited a family member who lives somewhere else? Where? What do you remember about the visit?
2. Where did Grandma and her nephew Sammy, the musician, come from? Is it part of the United States? What languages are spoken there?
3. Why would Grandma put her hand over her heart when her favorite record was playing? Have you ever felt a song was “just for you?” Do you have a favorite song? What is it?
4. Did Eric like Sammy’s concert in New York? Have you ever gone to a music concert? Where? Who was playing? What did you enjoy about the music?
We enjoyed reading The Keeping Quilt and we enjoyed hearing about quilt making from Mrs. Bala (a friend of Emma's family) and Isa's grandmother! What crafty and talented people quilter are! Thanks so much for your time and shared knowledge!

Independent Reading Program
Thanks for picking up food for us at Burger King, Mrs. Zlotnicki!

The Unit 3 is on Verbs. We have covered past and present tenses.

The writing prompt will be due on Thursday , November 15th!

Chapter 2 is about ways to stay healthy. The students have learned about the food pyramid and exercise. Next week we will talk about germs, sleep and how drugs can effect our body.

Spakausky's Math Update-
We are currently studying money. Please help your child with making change.
Monday is the checkpoint quiz on page 34-35. Study text!
The test will most likely be on Wednesday, 14th. Study chapter 1 in the math text book.

Conference schedule:
Let me know if there are any changes.
Tuesday, November 27th
Wednesday, November 28th
5:45-5:55-Ryan S.
5:55-6:05-Ryan R.
December 6th
If anyone wants to move to an early blank time, that is fine, just let me know. Thanks

Have a fun weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky
Miss Nabor

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Spakausky's Scoop ---November 5-9

A big thanks to all the parents that made the Halloween party a success and thanks for sending in the special treats! A special thanks to the parents that came to help with the party:
Mrs. Hougaard, Mrs. Balinski,
Mrs. Swain, Mrs. DeSanto,
Mrs. Dourdourekas and Mrs. Wuenschel

Roller Skating Party is on Tuesday, 11/6! Is your child's permission slip in?

Junior Achievement-
Our next session will be on Friday, November 9th from 12:00-1:00 with Mr. Elliot. What fun!!!

November/December Spirit Days
Nov. 2 - Character Counts Day-Wear RED
Nov. 9 - School Spirit Day
Nov. 16 - Favorite Sports Team Wear
Dec. 7 - Character Counts Day
Dec. 14 - School Spirit Day
Dec. 21 - Holiday Wear

Goody Basket-
Thanks to:
For donating to the basket this week!

Student of the Week
Kelsey S.

Lesson 10-
Back to the normal routine. This lesson deals with the double ending pattern in words.

We will be studying The Keeping Quilt story until next week and we will be learning about author's point of view until then, also. We will be sending home the book so your child can read the story with you before their assessments.
Things to think about: What is the tradition with the quilt in her family? What is the author's viewpoint about the quilt? Visit Polacco's website at
for more information about her and her books.

Independent Reading Program
Reading Party will be on Wednesday, 11/7 !
Thanks for picking up food for us at Burger King, Mrs. Zlotnicki!

Thanks for reading for November:
*Ryan S. *James *Isa
*Caitlin *Karina *Kelsey
*Lauren *Ryan R. *Amy
*Emily *Daniel *Greg
*TJ *Anita *Mary
*Grant *Matthew *Adam
*Emma *Hannah and Paul
Keep up the great reading!

The Unit 2 test on nouns was Thursday, 11/1.
We will be starting unit 3 on verbs next!

The writing prompt will be due on Thursday , November 8th!

Social Studies-
Test is on Friday, 11/2!
We will take a break from social studies and do science.

We will be picking up science again. This next chapter is on nutrition, exercise and ways to stay healthy!

Spakausky's Math Update-
Please send in the money bags asap. Thanks!
Money is next!
Practice counting money and
making change on the internet!

Have a relaxing weekend!
Mrs. T. Spakausky
Miss Nabor